NLP Training – Top 7 Reasons To Take OUR Course

Mar 22, 2021

1. Real-World Experience

First and foremost, which may not seem to be of importance on the surface is, we bring decades of REAL-WORLD corporate and clinical "in-the-trenches" work experience to your NLP training. This benefits you, our graduates, by maximally preparing you for doing truly effective work with people once you're out in the field. You'll find most NLP trainers have NO real world experience what-so-ever! They get certified and then go on to train others but never USE what they have in a corporate or clinical environment. LANLP offers you the expertise and education from an experienced professional speaker & trainer IN THE SPEAKING BUSINESS! Ask questions of us like, "when and how" the techniques and exercises truly apply to real people within our world. John works closely with each and every student making sure you receive the very best information at a conscious as well as UN-conscious level so you receive more for your time and your investment!


2. Convenience To Learn

We work around YOUR schedule! Our program is designed so you'll become certified over the course of six weekends, so you can have a life and take only the necessary time off to train and learn with us. This means you’ll have the time and the space to get to know your fellow students, ask important questions and challenge yourself in what you are learning. You’ll especially be able to learn from the experiences of other participants, have plenty of time for practice what you learn and have on-going access to john and his team.


3. Full Integration Of Material

Because you'll train only on the weekends, it gives you plenty of time to practice and integrate the information in between classes, form out-of-class study groups with fellow students during the week to learn the information at a deeper level. Many students have experienced that the short/advanced courses which other companies offer are leaving them with no real practical memory or benefits of the traditional pure 12-day, 120-hr program. Because this is how Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed and founded GENUINE NLP, we acknowledge and respect the model they created because IT WORKED! Don't be fooled by other courses giving you reasons why they cannot give you the traditional 12-day 120-hrs of face-to-face time with the trainers. Yes, the CD's, reading and studying are necessary, but not a substitute for pure hands-on instruction. You become certified as a practitioner of NLP the way is was originally designed, and we plan on remaining true to NLP roots. Come learn from the best!


 4. Enhance Business Performance

With an Neuro Linguistic Programming training course you will be able to influence others, increase sales, learn leadership, coaching, and management skills. NLP training for business is best suited for Managers, Sales People, Marketing Professionals, Human Resources, Recruiters, and Corporate Trainers.

5. Develop Professional Coaching Practices

NLP training will help with setting goals, communication mastery, techniques for motivation and achievement, techniques to resolve fears and phobias, and even weight loss techniques. NLP Training for coaching is best suited for Business Coaches, Life Coaches, Personal Coaches and Fitness Trainers. Or for therapy; our training will give you a mastery of communication techniques to help resolve deep rooted issues, fears and phobias, habits and addiction, and moving people from unresourceful states to resourceful ones. Our NLP Training for therapy is best suited for Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Doctors, Nurses and Dental Professionals. With our NLP training course you will learn techniques for instilling motivation, understanding learning and coding of experience, how to enhance memory and create faster learning. And our NLP Training for Education is best suited for Teachers, Professors, and parents.

6. Further Self-Improvement Skills

Some people decide to take an NLP training course simply for self-development and empowerment. And still some people just come because they have heard that NLP can resolve very big problems very fast. LANLP’s training can help with trauma, fear of public speaking, motivation, weight loss, self-confidence and so much more. Our NLP training course will give you mastery of communication which can be used for media interviews, influencing others, and giving you the ability to appear to be charismatic even as a great public speaker.



Pure and simple, OUR support is THE BEST in the NLP community. NO OTHER company would dare to give you; UN-limited phone and email support, AND FREE access to your practitioner course over and over again, FOREVER. No charge! 

GO HERE and check out our NLP trainings -