Why Should I Train With LANLP?

By attending and learning the basic strategies of NLP you will learn to have much more personal happiness and professional success which will be much more consistent, and much more predictable. Your effectiveness working with others will be dramatically increased, and your ability to empower yourself for optimum results will be increased. You will be able to generate empowering emotional states within yourself at will, eliminate any negative emotions or limiting decisions, identify and change limiting beliefs, inspire yourself with a compelling future that will have much better chances of coming true, and create patterns of excellence from any role model you choose.

What Is NLP ?

NLP is the Map, Language and Software of our mind! It is the mind-body working with our internal and external language of HOW we communicate with ourselves and others to Program the subconscious !

How Long Is Your Training Course ?

You’re going to receive the benefits of the traditional pure 12-day, 120-hr program. Because this is how Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed and founded GENUINE NLP back in the early 1970’s. We acknowledge and respect the model they created because it WORKS! You get 12-days / 120-hrs of face-to-face time with your trainer, AND support in-between the weekends personally from John.

Each day consists of 8 – 10 Hrs. Normally 10AM – 6/7PM with an optional morning study group from 830 – 930AM. Come ask questions, reexamine the prior days materials, or 1-on-1 with John.

What's After The BASIC Training Course ?

The next learning step after basic Practitioner is the Masters level program, and then the Trainers Training. We offer our12-day programs once every year. This allows you to fully integrate Practitioner level material at an unconscious level before moving on. We also encourage our practitioner students to learn from other trainers and institutions, and to return to help out with our practitioner training as a certified assistant to get a full rounded perspective. Once you graduate, you get to re-take your NLP training again and again, FOREVER, FOR FREE! ASK THEM... No other company would dare do this for you!

What Is Your Guarantee?

We know you’re going to have so much fun and learn all about how YOU CAN help yourself over-come challenges, change emotional states and for YOU to create a compelling future, we guarantee your success. If at anytime up until the END OF THE FIRST WEEKEND you’re unhappy for any reason, we will gladly return your investment. You have a full 2 days to confirm the decision you made with us. (If you dont say anything after that first weekend, you fully comply with our certification program and decided to stay the course.)

How Will Learning Benefit Me Most?

First and foremost, we bring decades of REAL-WORLD corporate and clinical “in-the-trenches” work experience to your NLP training. This benefits you, our graduates, by maximally preparing you for doing truly effective work with people once you’re out in the field. Most trainers have NO real world experience what-so-ever! They get certified and then go on to train others but never USE what they have in the real world! LANLP offers you the expertise and education from an experienced professional speaker & trainer IN THE SPEAKING BUSINESS! And John works closely with each and every student!

We work around YOUR schedule! Our program is designed so you’ll become certified over the course of six weekends, so you can have a life and take only the necessary time off to train and learn with us. Because you’ll train only on the weekends, it gives you plenty of time to practice and integrate the information in between classes and form out-of-class study groups with fellow students during the week to learn the information at a deeper level.

Don’t be fooled by other courses giving you reasons why they cannot give you the traditional 12-day 120-hrs of face-to-face time with the trainers. Yes, the CD’s, reading and studying are necessary, but not a substitute for pure hands-on instruction. You become certified as a practitioner of NLP the way is was originally designed, and we plan on remaining true to NLP roots. Because this is how Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed and founded GENUINE NLP, we acknowledge and respect the model they created because IT WORKED!have much more personal happiness and professional success which will be much more consistent, and much more predictable. Your effectiveness working with others will be dramatically increased, and your ability to empower yourself for optimum results will be increased. You will be able to generate empowering emotional states within yourself at will, eliminate any negative emotions or limiting decisions, identify and change limiting beliefs, inspire yourself with a compelling future that will have much better chances of coming true, and create patterns of excellence from any role model you choose.

What Support Do You Offer After We Graduate?

For the best quality NLP training, it’s recommended 120 training hrs. This is the industry standard for Practitioner of NLP and for most NLP Associations. Unfortunately some training organizations have created closed associations for only their graduates. Some are framed as broad associations that endorse a lesser time standard (usually seven days, or less!) The so called “accelerated,” “advanced, ” “fast track” or a 4-day programs, these DO NOT meet Practitioner of NLP industry standards no matter what they say, that is why WE OFFER you unlimited email and phone support FOREVER! Ask another company for that!!!

How Do I Get Started Right Away?

The easiest and fastest way to get started is to give us a call at (818) 879-2000 or shoot us an email inquiring about our next NLP training here in Los Angeles. And when you decide to train with us for one of our upcoming NLP training’s we’ll send your Full Training Packet which includes the details and logistics for your course. So email us: [email protected] and let us know your thoughts or plans because we’re here to help you every step of the way learning NLP!

Ready To Train With Us?

If you're ready to become a certified NLP Practitioner with us,

click the application button or give us a call - (818) 879-2000



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