Free NLP Mini-Course

This is how you begin to take control of your unconscious mind with 7 powerful Email and Audio Lessons that can change your unconscious habits and negative self-talk to influence yourself to get the results you desire...


Our Neurology

The physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual components our neurology and how they interact efficiently with each other - which now we know to be the mind / body connection!


Our Language

Linguistics pertains to the internal and external language that you use, specifically - how you communicate with others and most importantly, how you communicate with



Our Behaviors

You know this as your habits and strategies to produce results - good or bad.! Your mind is an internal operating system much like a computer, which can be programmed and more importantly...


Neuro Linguistic Programming is...

All about modeling success! Imagine being able to follow someone around that is getting the same results you desire. With their permission, you could mirror their behaviors, listen in on the language they use with themselves and others, and tap into their powerful beliefs systems they use to create success. HOW POWERFUL WOULD THAT BE FOR YOU?

Well, you don’t have to wonder because that is exactly how NLP got started. Modeling THE BEST therapists and practitioners in the world! The 2 founders emulated their thought pattens, beliefs and actions when they were getting results with others!
NOW… it's available to you!

In essence, all of NLP is founded on two fundamental presuppositions -

1. The Map is Not the Territory. As human beings, we can never know reality. We can only know our perceptions of reality. We experience and respond to the world around us primarily through our 5 sensory representational systems. It is our 'neuro-linguistic' maps of reality that determine how we behave and that give those behaviors, not reality itself. It is generally not reality that limits us or empowers us, but rather our map of reality that gets in our way!

1. The Map is Not the Territory. As human beings, we can never know reality. We can only know our perceptions of reality. We experience and respond to the world around us primarily through our 5 sensory representational systems. It is our 'neuro-linguistic' maps of reality that determine how we behave and that give those behaviors, not reality itself. It is generally not reality that limits us or empowers us, but rather our map of reality that gets in our way!

2. Life and 'Mind' are Systemic Processes. The processes that take place within and between human beings and their environment are systemic. Our bodies, our societies, and our universe form an ecology of complex systems and sub-systems all of which interact with and mutually influence each other. It is not possible to completely isolate any part of the system from the rest of the system. Such systems are based on certain 'self-organizing' principles and naturally seek optimal states of balance or homeostasis.

All of the models and techniques of NLP are based on the combination of these two principles. In our belief system of NLP it is not possible for human beings to objectively KNOW reality. Experience, morals and actions do not derive from having the one 'right' or 'correct' map of our world, because human beings are not capable of making one. Rather, the goal, using NLP, is to create the richest map possible that respects this systemic nature and ecology of ourselves and the world we live in.

The people who are most successful are the ones who have a map of the world that allows them to perceive the greatest number of available, perspectives, choices and opportunities! NLP is a way of enriching those choices that you have available in the world around you. Simply put - Excellence comes from having many choices and the richest map possible. Wisdom comes from having multiple perspectives. And, success comes from making the best possible decisions that shapes our future!

Powerful Changes You'll Notice


Proven Success Strategies

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Produce Results Quickly

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Eliminate Bad Habits

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Deeper Relationship Connections

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Master Your Emotions

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Take Control Of Your Mind

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can NLP benefit me personally?

Most people apply NLP immediately in their communication skills, any behavioral challenges to overcome, productivity issues, easily apply in sales and negotiations, alleviating stress & anxiety, and especially used successfully in their goal setting to achieve the results they have not been able to produce, year after year!

How long is the training program?

You’re going to get the benefits of the traditional pure 12-day, 120-hr program. Because this is how Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed and founded GENUINE NLP back in the early 1970’s. We acknowledge and respect the model they created because it WORKS! You get 12-days / 120-hrs of face-to-face time with your trainer, AND support in-between the weekends personally from John.Each day consists of 8 – 10 Hrs. Normally 10AM – 6/7PM with an optional morning study group from 830 – 930AM. Come ask questions, reexamine the prior days materials,  1-on-1 with John.

Can NLP help me make better decisions?

The answer is a resounding YES! Life is nothing but making SMART DECISIONS! Decisions shape your future… and the one thing that allows you to make better decisions… better states of mind!With NLP you’ll learn to control and manage your emotional states more than any other skill in class! The two simple techniques are #1 – your focus and #2 – your physiology! Manage your emotions, manage your decisions – SIMPLE!Once you learn these two processes you’ll never be at the whim of negative emotions (which allow you to make decisions) or limiting beliefs again!

Can NLP help me lose weight, become healthier?

Being healthy is also about making better decisions isn’t it? I’ve found that most healthy & fit individuals have a high value on their hierarchy ladder! Meaning – what’s most important to you! If health is not a top priority on your hierarchy, it won’t be important enough for you to manage properly.  Our ‘Values’ exercise can change and prioritize your most important values!

Is it possible to use NLP to build wealth?

Building financial security is about having an investment strategy that works! Making money is not saving money but investing money! Once you feel good about investing, everything else becomes easy because you are not fearful of losing money! Making money is all about your BELIEF about investing and risking your money and NLP has an amazing Belief Change Process! 

What support do you offer DURING & AFTER I graduate?

For the best quality NLP training, it’s recommended 120 training hrs. This is the industry standard for Practitioner of NLP and for most NLP Associations. Unfortunately some training organizations have created closed associations for only their graduates. Some are framed as broad associations that endorse a lesser time standard (usually seven days, or less!) The so called “accelerated,” “advanced, ” “fast track” or a 4 or 7 day programs, DO NOT meet Practitioner of NLP industry standards no matter what they say, that is why we offer you UNLIMITED email and phone support FOREVER! Ask another company for that... but I already know their answer - "We would never offer students that!" But I do, because I've been there and know what it's like to need answers. TRY ME, REALLY...  [email protected]

Do you offer a guarantee?

We know you’re going to have so much fun and learn all about how YOU CAN help yourself over-come challenges, change emotional states and for you to create a compelling future, we guarantee your success!  If at anytime up until the END OF THE FIRST WEEKEND you’re unhappy for any reason, we will gladly return your investment minus our admin fee's. You have a full 2 days to confirm the decision you made with us. (If you dont say anything after that first weekend, it means you fully comply with our certification program and decided to stay the course.) 

How easy it it to learn, and get certified?

NLP consists of easy-to-learn techniques, skills, and strategies. The end result are positive changes and excellence you can immediately apply in your personal life, relationships, and goal setting. You can utilize NLP strategies anywhere you may feel stuck, looking for answers or just need a boost of confidence to feel EMPOWERED!.

I heard NLP can be manipulative?

Yes… it can be! Like every great tool, it can be used for good and bad. A hammer is used to build and construct, BUT can also be used to hurt and destroy! There will always be scrupulous individuals in our world. Using NLP, it’s up to good integritable people, like yourself, to make the world a better place for all of us. I know YOU have a power within and I’d love to have the opportunity to work with you to prove how powerful you can become...  give me a call or email us!

Will getting certified help me professionally?

First and foremost, we bring decades of REAL-WORLD corporate and clinical “in-the-trenches” work experience to your NLP training. This benefits you, our graduates, by maximally preparing you for doing truly effective work with people once you’re out in the field. John works closely with each and every student. Most trainers have NO real world experience what-so-ever. They get certified and then go on to train others but never USE what they have in the real world. You'll now have this expertise!

Can it stop procrastination/ achieve my goals?

There is a fundamental saying in NLP – “We do MORE to avoid pain than gain pleasure!” Isn’t this true - procrastination is nothing more than avoiding some sort of pain in doing a task! When you know how to create more empowering goals, you’re compelled and motivated to produce your results! Again, NLP is all about modeling success and managing emotional states!

Who will be my specific Trainer?

I get asked this alot... and the answer is I DO! I teach and train every class we present. I don't believe anyone else (so far) has the knowledge and care I have for everyone of my students! And when I say "TEST ME ON THIS!"  I mean it...  email me - [email protected]

What's after he BASIC training course ?

The next learning step after basic Practitioner is the Masters level program, and then the Trainers Training. We offer our 12-day programs once every year. This allows you to fully integrate Practitioner level material at an unconscious level before moving on. We also encourage our practitioner students to learn from other trainers and institutions, and to return to help out with our practitioner training as a certified assistant to get a full rounded perspective. Once you graduate, you get to re-take your NLP training with us again and again, FOREVER, FOR FREE!  No other company would dare do this for you!

How do I get started right away?

The easiest and fastest way to get started is to give us a call at (818) 879-2000 OR fill out the enrollment application for our next NLP training here in Los Angeles. And when you decide to train with us for one of our upcoming NLP training’s we’ll send your Full Training Packet which includes the details and logistics for your course. You can also email me directly: [email protected] and ask me anything... we're here to help you become proficient in NLP... GO FOR IT!

Ready To Train With Us?

If you're ready to become a licensed NLP Practitioner with us, click the application button or give us a call - (818) 879-2000

Contact Us

(818) 879-2000

5739 Kanan Rd. #188

Agoura Hills CA. 91301

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